Wednesday, March 21, 2007

the Boy... in 3D

He's already stubborn and uncooperative and he's not even here yet! Baby boy Robinson must be taking lessons from his big sister.

We went for a 3D ultrasound today and he started face down, buried into my back. That explains why my back is killing me most of the time. He hasn't done the flip to put his head down toward the ground yet... but I'm having another c-section anyway, so that's not a huge deal.

Troy poked at my stomach, I rolled onto my side, the technician even clanged the cow bell against my belly. My child was constantly in motion. Those hands and legs were all over the place!! But it took more than 30 minutes to get him to peek his face out so we could get a glimpse.

It's hard to tell much. Especially with the shadows, etc... but so far, he seems to look a lot like Ella. We're only a couple of months away.. then we'll know for sure.

She wants her Daddy!!

We may never get a full night's sleep. Ella is still waking up at least once a night. She's feeling better, no more pain meds, etc... but she's having bad dreams.

The last 2 nights, she's woken up terrified. We can go in and calm her down... but she's not letting go of Daddy for anything! She's still half asleep, usually still sitting or lying down, but she's screaming!

Last night, it happened around 10:30. Troy was still WHOOPING with the boys. (special dispensation for an extra night this week... so he'll owe me. I couldn't calm her or get her to lay down, so I picked her up. She still screamed. She wanted "Da-DEEEE!"

We went into the office, and she was immediately fine. Hugging Troy, snuggling him, all smiles. As soon as I picked her up and walked out of the room, more screaming. We went to my bed, more screaming!!! Sitting there watching and waiting for Dad. The dogs came in to see what all the noise was about. They jumped up on the bed with us and she was suddenly safe and sound. She laid down with me (actually between the two dogs) and her little eyes would just droop shut. But she wouldn't let go. She'd open them and call for "Da-da." This went on for nearly 30 minutes before I took her back into the office and told Troy she needed him.

We finally pried him away from the computer screen. Troy carried Ella to her bed, covered her up, and all was right with the world.

He couldn't believe she was so insistent on seeing him and being held by him. But that just goes to show you how much she loves her daddy. When things go bump in the night, mommy can pick you up, the doggies can snuggle and and protect you, but only Daddy can make Ella feel secure enough to go back to bed. (Troy went immediately back to his video game... crisis over. Mommy can finally close her eyes and sleep!)

No studying... but I passed

We're off the hook with the gestational diabetes. My second test came back completely normal! YEEEEAH!

We still wonder why this baby is so big... but Troy was 10 lbs at birth, so I contend this is all his fault.

We're going for a 3D ultrasound today and hope to have some great photos of the boy to share soon!

Monday, March 19, 2007

New Tubes!

Ella had surgery Friday morning and the nurses say she deserved a gold star for the best patient of the day! She went in and came out smiling. She even cried to hug the nurse goodbye before we left.

She still had some ear pain over the weekend, but we were able to get outside to work in the lawn, grill, and enjoy some beautiful weather. SHE LOVES IT OUT THERE!!! So we're investigating swing sets, etc... for this summer.

She finally slept through the night without a peep so Mommy and Daddy were a little more well rested to start the workweek. Hopefully, we'll all stay healthy for awhile!

(No word yet on my 2nd gestational diabetes test. The results weren't back when I checked today. We hope to find out tomorrow or Wednesday.)

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

F for failure--- let the panic begin!

There is one thing I hate about being pregnant. Not the aches and pains, not the water retention or weight gain, not even the constant trips to the bathroom. I hate the test for gestational diabetes.

I'm not a big soda drinker. I don't like Kool-Aid. I can't stand sweets for breakfast. Needless to say, the super sweet soda they give you to drink first thing in the morning before this test, makes me sick! I've done it... twice now and I've managed to keep it down and get through the tests. But this time, I failed the test. So, I have to go back and take another, longer test, with more of the sweet, syrupy drink that I hate!

Okay, that part sucks! Now for the real drama. I'm terrified that I'll fail this second more definitive test and they'll decide I have gestational diabetes. I'm in a total panic.

As soon as I failed, I headed for work, logged onto the internet, and started reading everything I could about this. (MISTAKE #1-- too much information is not always a good thing!)
- it's not uncommon to fail the first test, even if you've passed in previous pregnancies
- it can be blamed on something as simple as too many sweets the day before the test or medication
- Most women who do have gestational diabetes don't have any problems

Troy reads this information and his mind is at ease. No problem, it's going to be fine, not a big deal.... (MISTAKE #2-- husbands never think anything is as serious as you do!)

I read more stuff.. .and this is where it gets really scary!!!
- some babies of moms with gestational diabetes are stillborn after 28 weeks
- some moms with gestational diabetes can go on to have diabetes after pregnancy
- some babies of moms with gestational diabetes are more likely to be overweight and have diabetes later in life

and the warning signs:
- frequent urination
- tired or run down
- thirsty

(okay, those are all common for any pregnancy) but there's more:
- large size baby (our boy already measures 2.5 weeks ahead on the growth schedule)
- little weight gain for mom (I gained my first 5 pounds this week. All the weight seems to be going to him)

Now, I'm a basket case!!! I'm convinced that I'll fail test #2--convinced that I'll have gestational diabetes--convinced that something is wrong with this giant baby boy-- convinced that we've got our hopes up and that we'll never be able to bring this baby home, now that even Ella is starting to love him.

Say a prayer for me this Thursday as I take test #2. I'm a nervous wreck. I should request prayers for Troy too... as long as I'm this crazed, he's guaranteed to lose sleep right along with me!

Tubes 2 (the Return of Sleep?)

Another week, another ear infection. Ella finished 10 days of antibiotic and had her 18 month well baby exam last week. Two days later, her ears were infected and oozing goo again! We saw the ENT specialist yesterday and yes, they want to put tubes in again.

Both tubes were originally put in last summer. The left ear apparently came out sometime shortly after Christmas. Since then, Ella has had 4 ear infections. I think this latest is #5. She has not felt well in months and we were really hoping the doctor might think a second set of tubes would be the solution. (Not that we want surgery for our child, but the first set seemed to help her so much. She slept better, felt better, developed better, etc...)

The doctor says this type of tube should stay in for 12-15 months. He really thinks that will be enough time for her body to grow and straighten out the Eustachian tubes so her ears can drain on their own.

It's been miserable to hear her cry out every hour or so overnight. She puts herself back to sleep pretty quickly on most occasions, but she's still running a fever, she can't stand to have her ears touched, and we just know she's in pain!!

She's crawled into bed with us the last 2 nights for a half hour or so while the Motrin kicks in. (I know it's a bad habit and I don't think it's something she'll continue.) She usually snuggles with Mommy for awhile and I'll rub her back. But she always want to have Daddy close enough to touch. She'll scoot up to his back and put her cheek right up again his ear. (She needs that Daddy lovin' to help get her through until the pain goes away.) After about 15-30 minutes.. the Motrin starts to do the trick. Troy can just pick her up and put her back in bed and she'll put herself to sleep.

I'll miss snuggling with that adorable little bit while we wait for the medicine to work, but I won't miss rocking her while she screams or getting up every hour. It will be nice to have our nights back for awhile... until the baby boy arrives.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Post Binky Blues...

It's been a week and we're still feeling Binky withdrawal.

Ella woke up at 11, 1, and 3:00 overnight. When I go in to check her... she asks for Binky.

The explanation that she's a big girl now and binkies are for babies... just isn't working.

This may be a tougher detox for mom and dad than it is for her!!!