Monday, February 15, 2010

Wishin' and Hopin'...

My level 2 ultrasound is scheduled for Monday, March 1st, just two weeks away. It hardly seems possible that we're already almost 5 months through this pregnancy!

We're so anxious to learn the babies gender, but more importantly to get our first indication that everything is going well and the baby is healthy. We have never done any of the pre-natal screenings offered by the OB's office, primarily because it wouldn't change our decision on having this or any of our babies, and we just want to enjoy the pregnancy. But this time around, with me being 40, we're a little more nervous and anxious to find out that everything is okay.

We've seen several ultrasounds so far we can tell this baby is VERY active and growing right on track. We're both looking forward to that closer look we get in just a couple of weeks to see more about this latest edition to our family!

Of course, Ella is still DESPERATELY hoping for a baby girl... and while Alex says he wants a "boy baby" I think he's probably be happier as the only boy and enjoy a girl baby too... Troy and I really don't care either way... we just hope for healthy. He's guessing it's a girl because it's active and sitting high... I think it's a boy, because I've been SOOOO sick and still am. Only God knows for sure... and we'll all hope to find out soon!!!

Dancing Queen

Ella had her first dance competition yesterday (Valentine's Day) here in Overland Park. Her mini company danced to "Wait a Minute Mr. Postman" and they were adorable!

They actually placed first for the 5 and under category and 10th overall for the up to 9 age group.

Troy is NOT a fan of the make-up, but compared to many studios, ours is pretty conservative in the make-up and costumes. Ella really loves it so far, so we're sticking with it for now. She has a recital in May and another competition coming up in April, but this was the first go round...

I think more than anything, she likes being in a class with two of her friends. Madelyn is also in preschool with Ella three days a week.

Mary has been Ella's buddy since their days at Laura's house as babies!!! She looks forward to seeing them every week at dance class and they have a lot of fun together twirling around in their tutus!

I'm glad to see she was more attentive on stage than she is backstage. She's always too busy watching the big girls dance to concentrate on her own routine.

It wasn't the easiest of days... we had to be up at 6 to get her dressed, made-up (including fake eyelashes) and hair done to be at the convention center by 7:30. But she was a trooper and woke up on her own, ready to go with no complaints. Guess she likes the glitz a little more than Daddy.