I loved them when I was young. It was a HUGE deal to have a birthday and get flowers at school. It was great having sleepover and skating parties and getting drunk when you turned 21 or getting your driver's license when you turned 16. Then I turned 29, and the thrill was gone.
Who wanted to be 30, with no husband, no kids, no house, just a dog, a cat and a morning TV job to show for myself. I decided I was done.
My parents hadn't made a big deal of birthdays. While I never gave up Nana's birthday dinners, or Kristi's phone calls on my birthday to sing the "happy birthday" song first thing that morning. But otherwise, no hooopla for me.
Maybe I'm older. (Yeah, like I could stop that from happening) Maybe I'm wiser. May it's just that considering whether you might have a brain tumor, might die, etc... really makes you think about your life. I'm actually looking forward to my birthday this year.
It's a biggie. I'm going to be 40! I never imagined this is what 40 would be like, but I wouldn't have it any other way. I have a wonderful, caring, supportive husband. I have two adorable, healthy, happy (when they're not in time-out or teething) children, a house, two dogs who shed on everything, a job, friends, family, and oh yes, another year of life.
Don't get me wrong, I hate the fine lines and I'm using every cream I can afford! I hate the "really blonde" hairs that Troy spots and I'm relying on Natural Match 7C to keep those at bay. I hate the fact that I'm larger and droopier and ache more than ever. But that's part of getting older, and getting older means I'm enjoying more of those wonderful moments with my husband and kids.
I may not like the old part, but I love the time that I spend to get there, and I will relish each year from here on out. Because each year, is another of the best of my life.

Now my friends, and I know you're out there, if Troy is planning something, don't let him do it. I still am not big on parties.
But each year, I'll celebrate myself, my life, what I've accomplished, overcome, learned and been blessed with. What more can you ask for!?