Ella is officially a pre-kindergartener. It's hard for me to believe!
We decided to keep Alex home for one more year. He'll start preschool next fall, when he's 3, just as Ella did. That lets us put in just one kid at a time, which is a huge tuition savings, and gets Mommy some quality time with my boy before he goes off to school next year.
Ella was a little nervous. We have two sets of teachers this year. Her

T/Th class in the Rainbow Room was all new kids, except for Ella's best friend Sophia. But the teachers, Mrs. Dick and Mrs. Pantalleria are wonderful and Ella is already hugging them every morning at the door!
Monday is an enrichment class which provides a little extra Language Arts, Math and Science focus. We're paying extra for this, but hope it will help since she's going to be one of the youngest in her kindergarten class. Her August 20th birthday

means she only makes the age cut-off by 11 days! She's doing great so far, but does learn some things a few months later than her friends who are almost a year older... so we wanted to give her every advantage we could.
This is Ella's first year to pack her lunch for school and that's been a learning experience for both of us! The school is nut free and dairy free, so no PBJ allowed. Luckily, Ella likes hummus and beans and pasta, so we've been pretty creative in what goes into that Hello Kitty lunchbox.

pretty proud of herself so far, and we are too! (These are just a few photos from her meet-the-teacher sessions, and her first week of class.)