Well, much to Ella's disappointment (she cried for 2 days) this baby is a boy! Troy and I didn't care either way, but Ella was REALLY wanting a baby sister. She has decided it's okay now, after learning she'll be Daddy's only little princess, and that she probably wont' have to share as many toys as Alex....
Our level 2 ultrasound in early March, was a little worrisome... we learned that I had only 1 artery in my umbilical cord (normal is two) which can limit nutrition to the baby and can also signal several genetic or congenital birth defects. We've been on pins and needles for the past month and just had a second level 2 ultrasound this week.
Much better news to report and MUCH RELIEF!!! I do have 2 umbilical arteries (they probably couldn't see the 2nd until things were a little more developed), the baby's anatomy, heart, brain, kidneys, etc... all look completely normal and healthy!!! He's growing right on schedule and was literally dancing on my bladder through the entire scan. (the doctor was begging him to hold still just for two seconds so he could get the measurements he needed!)
Now the name debate begins... Alex tells everyone we're naming him Lightning Baby or Baby Doc Hudson. I guess we'll see if Troy agrees to something better than that???
This is the only profile shot the doctor was able to capture when our little man wasn't in motion... but he looks like a cutie to me!!