Alex's Christmas program was today at his preschool. This was a first for him, because last year, he didn't start in school until February. So he's never been in front of a crowd before, never performed, etc... and I was a little nervous for him. But he was so excited and it all started a few days before with his wardrobe choice. I picked a red sweater for him... but Alex had bigger plans.

He was very dapper and handsome. I love that he was so proud of his little blazer! It's a hand-me-down from my friend Tara's son and as far as Alex is concerned, anything that Colin wears first... is SUPER COOL!

He was a donkey. They chose either a cow, a donkey or a sheep.. and Alex was quite easily the cutest donkey I've ever seen!
He did such a great job singing and listening to Miss Ellie and smiling and waving at us as often as he could. I just cried...

Troy was able to come on his lunch break and watch the program too. Alex was so excited to have both of us in the audience... and Max too.
Daddy and the donkey after the show

Grumpy face... because I took his picture. But he really had fun and danced to the music!
Alex did ask me if the plaid pocket square was for blowing his nose! Thankfully it was before he tried it out!