Really, that's the point we've come to. It's Ella's turn to have trouble right now. She's struggling in school this year, not that it's something new, but this year, she has noticed that she is different in the way she learns and does things in the classroom. It was a rough start to the school year, and she just didn't want to be there. We talked a LOT and finally she admitted that she was having trouble and was afraid to ask for help. She said "I can't do it and everyone else can" or "I'm embarrassed to ask, because everyone will know that I can't do it."
We've known that she had trouble with backward letters and paying attention, and following directions, but what 5 or 6 year old doesn't. Now that she's 7, it's more obvious that is maybe more than just maturity, it may be a learning or developmental or vision problem. So we've met with her school (second meeting today), we have her scheduled for a full round of tests, and she's meeting with the school counselor to talk about the anxiety this is causing her, and how she can calm herself and just work through problems and questions in her own way, and at her own pace.
It's hard, because she's been so upset and that's the worst thing for us. I don't care if she's a "D" student for the rest of her life. I want her to try her best and be happy. But she's not happy lately. She's become a bad sleeper, she has stomach problems which she's now on adult medication for, and she's been anxious and upset. Usually, she takes it out on us, and while we understand, we want our sweet, loving little girl back some days.
A friend recently said "I feel so bad for you! Two kids who may need IEP's and special help in school!" and I thought to myself, really, that's okay, I'm good with that. When you spend months, even a year just worrying that a child will die at any minute, fighting to keep that child alive, breathing, eating, etc... this seems like a drop in the bucket. Yes, I'm sad for Ella and I want things to be easier for her. What mom wants to see her child struggle. But for us, her parents, this we can take.
It won't kill her. It sounds simple, but it's the truth in this house. As long as it won't take you from me, we'll deal with it. We'll face it together and we'll do the best we can... as long as we have each other, we have everything!
Pray for us and for our Ella. Pray that God will give her some peace so she won't stress so much about this. Pray that we'll find the answers to help her in anyway we can. Praise God for her wonderful teacher that's working with us to make Ella's classroom experience the best it can be. God has a plan for this, and we're waiting to see what that plan may be...
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Friday, September 7, 2012
Orange Belt Boy!
Alex earned all 8 stripes on his yellow belt and was ready for his big test last week! They let the parents come in to get video of the entire test. Ella was with me in the studio (you can her her talking to me once or twice) and Troy was in the waiting area with Max. (also able to watch through the mirrored windows)
We were so proud to watch him and he was so excited!!! We have our first orange belt in the house!!!!
We were so proud to watch him and he was so excited!!! We have our first orange belt in the house!!!!
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Troy's 40th (beef and bourbon)
We celebrated Troy's 40th a week early... so we could pair up with Tom (also turning 40) and invite the Minnesota down for the celebration. They wanted steaks and bourbon.. so we went with several couples to Marker's Mark in the Power & Light District.
It was a great night with friends and fun and no kids! I think Troy enjoyed it, and hopefully it made up for the fact that we were traveling with my family on his actual birthday.
Here are the couples who helped us celebrate that night!
Happy Birthday Baby! and welcome to life after 40!
It was a great night with friends and fun and no kids! I think Troy enjoyed it, and hopefully it made up for the fact that we were traveling with my family on his actual birthday.
Here are the couples who helped us celebrate that night!
Happy Birthday Baby! and welcome to life after 40!
Monday, August 20, 2012
Bieber Fever for Ella's birthday
We certainly surprised her! We've been holding onto these tickets for almost 2 months now. Ella had no idea we were able to get them. Anytime she saw the concert advertised, she would BEG Troy to try to get tickets and he'd say "honey, they're all sold out."
Well tonight, after a LONG wait for me, we finally gave her the gift... disguised in her birthday gift from us. She knew she was only getting one package to open from us, and you can see the disappointment on her face. She was really hoping for a wedding Barbie and Ken...
The concert isn't until October... so more waiting. But a friend gave her the new CD at her party this weekend, so she's already learning all the words to sing along! We are going with 3 other dance girls and their moms... the girls have been finding out one by one. We'll have dinner together in a few weeks to tell them ALL at once that we're going together! Can't wait for that!
Well tonight, after a LONG wait for me, we finally gave her the gift... disguised in her birthday gift from us. She knew she was only getting one package to open from us, and you can see the disappointment on her face. She was really hoping for a wedding Barbie and Ken...
The concert isn't until October... so more waiting. But a friend gave her the new CD at her party this weekend, so she's already learning all the words to sing along! We are going with 3 other dance girls and their moms... the girls have been finding out one by one. We'll have dinner together in a few weeks to tell them ALL at once that we're going together! Can't wait for that!
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Auditions week
Last week was just plain crazy! Ella wanted to audition for the dance company, and Miss Jessica told us she was ready. She's spent the summer working on technique and practicing. Last week they had intensives everyday, and worked on the routine for auditions. She dance Monday morning, Tuesday morning, Wednesday night, Thursday morning and evening and Friday morning and evening... auditions were Saturday morning.
The song is "Kansas City" and this video is her group practicing about mid-week, so they got even better before auditions Saturday morning. It's short, but REALLY fast and packed with lots of stuff!
She was pretty intense, especially since they were practicing and doing the same routine as the girls who were 8 year olds. She puts a lot of pressure on herself! They audition all the girls 12 and under at the same time, so I think she was pretty intimidated, but she did a great job. She remembered the routine, her across the floor kicks and leaps and technique looked great!!!! I took a few photos while they were stretching in the purple studio. Auditions were in the blue studio and parents had to wait outside.
More than an hour later, she was done and about 5 that evening, the list was posted. Ella made it! She's in company 1, which is the 6-8 year olds. She was thrilled and had to call the grandparents, and all her friends who also made company. She was on the phone for about an hour straight. We're so proud of how hard she has worked for this... and a little intimidated as well, about the time and costs that lie ahead! Our first company meeting is this Sunday and we'll find out which dances she's in, when the competitions take place, etc... We know we're going to Nationals in Branson! Glad it's close to home this first year!
The song is "Kansas City" and this video is her group practicing about mid-week, so they got even better before auditions Saturday morning. It's short, but REALLY fast and packed with lots of stuff!
She was pretty intense, especially since they were practicing and doing the same routine as the girls who were 8 year olds. She puts a lot of pressure on herself! They audition all the girls 12 and under at the same time, so I think she was pretty intimidated, but she did a great job. She remembered the routine, her across the floor kicks and leaps and technique looked great!!!! I took a few photos while they were stretching in the purple studio. Auditions were in the blue studio and parents had to wait outside.
Splits to the middle |
Splits to the left.... |
and splits to the right. (Splits 3 ways!) |
Practicing her candy hold |
Pretty much DONE with me taking photos and this point! |
More than an hour later, she was done and about 5 that evening, the list was posted. Ella made it! She's in company 1, which is the 6-8 year olds. She was thrilled and had to call the grandparents, and all her friends who also made company. She was on the phone for about an hour straight. We're so proud of how hard she has worked for this... and a little intimidated as well, about the time and costs that lie ahead! Our first company meeting is this Sunday and we'll find out which dances she's in, when the competitions take place, etc... We know we're going to Nationals in Branson! Glad it's close to home this first year!
School Daze!!!
How did this happen so quickly??? I guess because the last week of summer was spent dancing and dancing and dancing... more on that in my next post. Both Ella and Alex started back to school this week! Ella is a 2nd grader, Alex surprised us this summer and was suddenly ready for kindergarten! Just a few photos of the amazing first days. (Ella on Wednesday and Alex on Thursday) They are growing up so quickly!!!
Ready for school! 1st day of 2nd grade! |
Ella and Sanaya waiting for the bell |
Wonderful new teacher, Mrs. Simpson! |
Already busy searching for supplies in her school box |
Ready for Alex's 1st day of kindergarten! (Somebody is watching out the window) |
LOVE THIS ONE!!! (especially Max giving them the stink eye!) |
The wanted a hugging picture... who could refuse that?! |
He went right in and hung up his backpack on the hook with his name. |
Found his desk and his name tag... |
Almost forgot this one! He was quite proud of the new MONSTER backpack! |
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Monday, July 2, 2012
We spent the month of June driving to Tae Kwon Do, dance intensives and swimming lessons!!! Literally, I was in the car all the time... thank GOD for carpool!!!
The kids are doing so well at swim lessons, we're doing them again in July, just shuffling things around a little bit. Ella is swimming across the pool, and Alex is taking 2-3 strokes at a time. They're getting so much better! I can't wait to get Max in lessons, maybe as soon as next year!
The kids are doing so well at swim lessons, we're doing them again in July, just shuffling things around a little bit. Ella is swimming across the pool, and Alex is taking 2-3 strokes at a time. They're getting so much better! I can't wait to get Max in lessons, maybe as soon as next year!
Our bathing beauty hits the pool!
Little goofball! It's chilly at first, but I love that his eyes are squeezed into the goggles!
Who can resist this cuteness!?!
That's my girl! Up for a breath and she's swimming across the pool!!!
Learning to dive with Miss Ann... (finger tips, top of your head, then your toes go in!)
So close on her first try! little bit of a belly buster... but not bad!
Alex and his buddies practicing their kicks.
And a very patient, baby brother... who is learning to love the pool as much as we do!
Kwy Tawn Do (or Tae Kwon Do)
Alex is loving it!!! I heard it was great for discipline, attention, focus, etc... but Alex just wanted to learn karate, like Kung Fu Panda!
He started classes this past month and LOVES it! He's already earned 2 stripes on his belt.
They earn discipline and character stripes at home and school as well as their skills stripes in class. He goes two times as week and it's just amazing to see him becoming more confident and having fun.
He started classes this past month and LOVES it! He's already earned 2 stripes on his belt.
They earn discipline and character stripes at home and school as well as their skills stripes in class. He goes two times as week and it's just amazing to see him becoming more confident and having fun.
3 kids +3 schools= CRAZY MOMMY!
Good news!!! Max has a slot for this fall at the Lee Ann Britain Infant & Toddler Development Center. It's a huge step for him and so exciting for all of us!!! Max has been receiving therapy in our home since we brought him here from the NICU. But so far, his doctor didn't agree to any group therapy settings, or more intensive work, because Max's biggest risk was germs. We HAD to keep him away from other kids and all the bacteria that goes along with them.
Finally, this fall, he's agreed that with the speech and feeding issues that have continued, as well as his physical and occupational therapy, it's time to step things up. Most importantly, he agreed, that since Max had his tubes placed in January (in his ears) and hasn't had any major infections, his immunity is maturing a bit.
I had Max on a wait list for the developmental preschool at Lee Ann Britain for next year, when he's 3, but since the speech problems (possible Apraxia) came up, I wanted to hit it head on. My goal has always been to help Max reach his full potential, whatever that is, and I felt we needed to do everything possible to move him forward. He's frustrated by not being able to let us know what he wants a lot of the time, he's bored with the few foods that he does eat, he wants to do more with and be more like his big brother and sister and it's amazing to see how he tries so hard when he's around them.
I took him to visit the school last spring, during the school year. Troy wasn't able to get away from work to go with us... but I was literally in tears at how excited Max was. He just ran and played and had the best time... and it was so wonderful to see him in an enviroment with other children his age around him, having so much fun!!! I carried him kicking and screaming to the car, and sent Troy about a dozen pictures from my cell phone. I told him as soon as we left I knew this was the place I wanted Max to be.. and I just hoped that we'd find a way to make it happen.
We've always trusted God when it comes to Max. Because from the second my water broke, 4 months early, we've had little or NO control over what happens in his life and development. We prayed and asked God to help us help Max. We asked that if this was the right fit, that he'd make a spot for him at the school. (the wait list is long) We asked that he would keep him well so his doctors would agree to this. We asked that he would help us figure out how to pay for this amazing program. (the cost can be close to $40,000) And then we waited. It's been months and finally, just a couple of weeks ago, we heard from the director, that she had a spot for him! She also confirmed that our insurance, his Medicaid, and scholarships would make it affordable for us. Max is going to school!!!!
He'll be there 3 times a week. I'll be with him for his speech therapy, feeding and swallow therapy, physical therapy, and occupational therapy. There is also a toddler class that we will attend together and by the end of the school year, they'll start to transition him to that class without Mommy, in preparation for preschool next year (2013-14 school year) I can hardly believe it and I"m so excited for him! I just know how much he tries to communicate when he's around other kids and he's eaten different things lately, purely because his brother and sister did... so I"m hoping the peer interaction will him him.
This is so exciting, yet so crazy! I'll have 3 kids at 3 schools this fall!!! Ella will be a 2nd grader at our neighborhood school, Alex is doing transitional kindergarten at his same preschool, and Max will start his therapies and toddler class. I'm still juggling all the schedules, searching for a part-time nanny to help with Alex while I"m at school with Max, and waiting to learn Ella's dance schedule, etc... for the fall.
It's just another adventure for us as a family, but one we'll gladly accept. We know this is a great opportunity for Max and we hope it's just another step forward in his amazing little life! Prayer accepted and welcomed as always!
Finally, this fall, he's agreed that with the speech and feeding issues that have continued, as well as his physical and occupational therapy, it's time to step things up. Most importantly, he agreed, that since Max had his tubes placed in January (in his ears) and hasn't had any major infections, his immunity is maturing a bit.
I had Max on a wait list for the developmental preschool at Lee Ann Britain for next year, when he's 3, but since the speech problems (possible Apraxia) came up, I wanted to hit it head on. My goal has always been to help Max reach his full potential, whatever that is, and I felt we needed to do everything possible to move him forward. He's frustrated by not being able to let us know what he wants a lot of the time, he's bored with the few foods that he does eat, he wants to do more with and be more like his big brother and sister and it's amazing to see how he tries so hard when he's around them.
I took him to visit the school last spring, during the school year. Troy wasn't able to get away from work to go with us... but I was literally in tears at how excited Max was. He just ran and played and had the best time... and it was so wonderful to see him in an enviroment with other children his age around him, having so much fun!!! I carried him kicking and screaming to the car, and sent Troy about a dozen pictures from my cell phone. I told him as soon as we left I knew this was the place I wanted Max to be.. and I just hoped that we'd find a way to make it happen.
We've always trusted God when it comes to Max. Because from the second my water broke, 4 months early, we've had little or NO control over what happens in his life and development. We prayed and asked God to help us help Max. We asked that if this was the right fit, that he'd make a spot for him at the school. (the wait list is long) We asked that he would keep him well so his doctors would agree to this. We asked that he would help us figure out how to pay for this amazing program. (the cost can be close to $40,000) And then we waited. It's been months and finally, just a couple of weeks ago, we heard from the director, that she had a spot for him! She also confirmed that our insurance, his Medicaid, and scholarships would make it affordable for us. Max is going to school!!!!
He'll be there 3 times a week. I'll be with him for his speech therapy, feeding and swallow therapy, physical therapy, and occupational therapy. There is also a toddler class that we will attend together and by the end of the school year, they'll start to transition him to that class without Mommy, in preparation for preschool next year (2013-14 school year) I can hardly believe it and I"m so excited for him! I just know how much he tries to communicate when he's around other kids and he's eaten different things lately, purely because his brother and sister did... so I"m hoping the peer interaction will him him.
This is so exciting, yet so crazy! I'll have 3 kids at 3 schools this fall!!! Ella will be a 2nd grader at our neighborhood school, Alex is doing transitional kindergarten at his same preschool, and Max will start his therapies and toddler class. I'm still juggling all the schedules, searching for a part-time nanny to help with Alex while I"m at school with Max, and waiting to learn Ella's dance schedule, etc... for the fall.
It's just another adventure for us as a family, but one we'll gladly accept. We know this is a great opportunity for Max and we hope it's just another step forward in his amazing little life! Prayer accepted and welcomed as always!
Old McRobinson had a plant... EIEIOHHHHHH!
Troy is trying his hand at farming. Really, it's just a tomato plant. But he saw them at Costco a few weeks ago and instantly became a container farmer. He waters the plant morning and night, and it has to be a certain cup at a certain time and heaven forbid the kids to to touch it!
He wanted me to get tomato food at Wal-Mart, but then insisted I'd probably get the wrong thing, so he got it himself. it's in a pretty urn on the back patio, it's "caged" to help the vines grow and yes, it has more than a dozen tomatoes.

Tonight was a huge milestone for our little tomato plant... we picked not 1, but 2 tomatoes!!! I think they probably should have stayed on the vine a few days. They're orange, still pretty firm, and small, but Troy couldn't wait. He researches on line, just like with anything, and he decided tonight he needed to pick them.

So they're off the vine, sitting in my kitchen window to ripen up just a bit more.. .and soon we'll taste test Daddy's first crop!

The kids were pretty excited, he did let them help him to put the soil in the urn when he transplanted from the Costco plastic pot... so I guess they're junior farmers as well!
He wanted me to get tomato food at Wal-Mart, but then insisted I'd probably get the wrong thing, so he got it himself. it's in a pretty urn on the back patio, it's "caged" to help the vines grow and yes, it has more than a dozen tomatoes.
Tonight was a huge milestone for our little tomato plant... we picked not 1, but 2 tomatoes!!! I think they probably should have stayed on the vine a few days. They're orange, still pretty firm, and small, but Troy couldn't wait. He researches on line, just like with anything, and he decided tonight he needed to pick them.
So they're off the vine, sitting in my kitchen window to ripen up just a bit more.. .and soon we'll taste test Daddy's first crop!
Friday, May 18, 2012
Catching up...
It's been awhile... but we've had 2 incredibly busy months. Lots of random stuff to update on, and I'll get more in depth in later posts.
Max turned 2! We had a quiet little dinner here at home.. since he won't eat anything out. No breakfast pancakes like the other kids, no birthday cake or blowing out the candles... just lots of birthday hugs and kisses from all of us. 2 years... I can hardly believe we made it. He looks so normal... you'd never know all that we still deal with and worry about, but he's alive and we are so grateful.!!! He's definitely a terrible two now! It's like something in him snapped and he became sneaky and silly and stubborn all at once! He climbs and throws and basically likes to get into trouble. Sounds like a 2 year old to me!
We celebrated Max's birthday again at the March for Babies. Actually, we stood under a tent with 22 friends in the pouring rain until they cancelled the event. But we did lots of media for the March of Dimes that day and most importantly, we raised more than $2300 as a team! It's so important to us to do this... it's one way that we can give back and try to help other families, so that hopefully no one else will spend 123 days in the NICU like we did.
Alex turned 5! He wanted a rock star party and we pulled it off. More than anything for his birthday, he wanted new tennis shoes for his birthday... MEGA FLEX... because they have springs. He's been running and jumping ever since he got them!
Ella had a second dance competition and did well. Honestly, I thought she danced better the second time around, but her competition was really stiff! It was tough for her to understand.. she's likes winning, and especially bringing home those awards that she gets to keep for herself... but she's already said she wants to dance another solo next year... so I guess she's learning to face disappointment too.
I've been working like crazy, Troy's mom was here briefly over Mother's Day, Troy is off for a boys' weekend, and next week is Memorial Day! AACK! Where does the time go!? I'm so anxious for school to be over next week, for a new summer schedule to begin, just because it's a little less busy.
Like I said, it's been a few INSANELY, CRAZY weeks!!! But we're starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Last, but not least... my favorite photo of the past few weeks.. controlled chaos, as usual... but it's my life and I love it!
Max turned 2! We had a quiet little dinner here at home.. since he won't eat anything out. No breakfast pancakes like the other kids, no birthday cake or blowing out the candles... just lots of birthday hugs and kisses from all of us. 2 years... I can hardly believe we made it. He looks so normal... you'd never know all that we still deal with and worry about, but he's alive and we are so grateful.!!! He's definitely a terrible two now! It's like something in him snapped and he became sneaky and silly and stubborn all at once! He climbs and throws and basically likes to get into trouble. Sounds like a 2 year old to me!
We celebrated Max's birthday again at the March for Babies. Actually, we stood under a tent with 22 friends in the pouring rain until they cancelled the event. But we did lots of media for the March of Dimes that day and most importantly, we raised more than $2300 as a team! It's so important to us to do this... it's one way that we can give back and try to help other families, so that hopefully no one else will spend 123 days in the NICU like we did.
Alex turned 5! He wanted a rock star party and we pulled it off. More than anything for his birthday, he wanted new tennis shoes for his birthday... MEGA FLEX... because they have springs. He's been running and jumping ever since he got them!
Ella had a second dance competition and did well. Honestly, I thought she danced better the second time around, but her competition was really stiff! It was tough for her to understand.. she's likes winning, and especially bringing home those awards that she gets to keep for herself... but she's already said she wants to dance another solo next year... so I guess she's learning to face disappointment too.
I've been working like crazy, Troy's mom was here briefly over Mother's Day, Troy is off for a boys' weekend, and next week is Memorial Day! AACK! Where does the time go!? I'm so anxious for school to be over next week, for a new summer schedule to begin, just because it's a little less busy.
Like I said, it's been a few INSANELY, CRAZY weeks!!! But we're starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Last, but not least... my favorite photo of the past few weeks.. controlled chaos, as usual... but it's my life and I love it!
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