Ella had her first real "time out" today. She got in trouble at child care, when she decided to bite little Luke. (another child at Laura's house.)
Luke is only about a month younger than Ella, so they have very similar interest in toys. Unfortunately, they don't have siblings at home. So neither of them likes to share.
Today, Ella wanted to play the toy piano. So did Luke. When his hand hit the keyboard, Ella picked it up and bit him. He screamed, but not really. He was probably asking "what are you doing?!" Laura screamed, "ELLA NO!" Then Ella cried. (At least she takes Laura seriously when she scolds her.)
Laura says she told her "we're not going to bite with our 'toofies.' That's not nice." Ella cried some more, then she sat in the "time out" corner for about 30 seconds before Laura let her go back and play.
She definitely took Laura seriously. Now if we can just get her attention when she misbehaves at home!?
Luke is only about a month younger than Ella, so they have very similar interest in toys. Unfortunately, they don't have siblings at home. So neither of them likes to share.
Today, Ella wanted to play the toy piano. So did Luke. When his hand hit the keyboard, Ella picked it up and bit him. He screamed, but not really. He was probably asking "what are you doing?!" Laura screamed, "ELLA NO!" Then Ella cried. (At least she takes Laura seriously when she scolds her.)
Laura says she told her "we're not going to bite with our 'toofies.' That's not nice." Ella cried some more, then she sat in the "time out" corner for about 30 seconds before Laura let her go back and play.
She definitely took Laura seriously. Now if we can just get her attention when she misbehaves at home!?