Who knew night terrors would be so scary for the whole family!?
Let me first explain that Ella is a great sleeper. She's been this way since she was 2 months old. She wants to go to her bed, with her blankets and be left alone. No bassinet, no co-sleeper, her crib, her room. Now she says "night night" and heads for the stairs when she's ready. She actually looks forward to bedtime!
So this is a new development for us, but apparently it's pretty normal for kids Ella's age. We've had a couple of occasions in the last month... where she just wakes up screaming. Nothing will comfort her expect Mommy and Daddy. She wants both of us, in her room, at the same time, hugging her. She is afraid to be left alone after one of these terrors. She will lie back down, hug her "blankie," cover her head and just cry. She's scared of whatever happened in that dream!
Last night, we spent 2 hours trying to soothe her before we finally gave up, and brought her into our bed. This is not something we like. (by we I mean all 3 of us) Normally Ella just won't sleep in our bed. She lays there talking and playing with Dad's nose or watching the clock which projects onto the ceiling. But in this case, being with mom and dad was all she needed. She was asleep before Troy even got under the covers and she stayed with us until morning. 1-3 a.m. was rough. 3-6 a.m was... well... at least quiet. We all got some, but not nearly enough sleep.
Troy hates mornings in general, he's grumpy when he wakes up. A morning like this could push him right over the edge! But he's trying to take this all in stride. (I think it's hard to be a grump when you get to wake up next to that little bundle in her footed pj's. All we had to do was save her from the bad dream.)
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