We didn't escape 2008 without some Urgent Care, a couple of trips to the ER, stitches and 1 hospitalization. Here's a recap of what's happened health-wise in the past couple of months. Alex got his first stomach flu. (thanks to Kimmie's kids and she's already apologized profusely!!!) The whole family had it, but for baby boy Robinson it was much worse and lasted much longer.
A week later he had an ear infection and went on antibiotics. Between the bug and the antibiotics, his little intestines really got a workout. So they just stopped working altogether. It was about 9pm when he started puking and he didn't stop until around 1a.m. We called Laura in a panic and she rushed over to stay with Ella so Troy could drive to Children's Mercy and I could sit next to Alex, catching the puke. He was like a little zombie. He looked white as a ghost. He was almost unconscious, and he'd just wake up every few minutes to vomit.
We were sent from the south hospital on a 30 minute trip to downtown KC at 2a.m. for potential surgery. Alex was admitted and moved into a room around 7a.m.
Can I just say this was my first and hopefully my last experience at Children's Mercy Hospital? We were 10 hours into this ordeal and no one had cared for my child!!! They took x-rays, gave him an IV, had at least a half dozen doctors and nurses ask us the same questions, but no one gave any indication if we could feed him, no one asked if he was in pain or offered to help ease that pain, no one even offered shampoo or a washcloth, so I could clean the puke off him!!! I sent Troy to get bathing supplies as soon as we got into a room and I cleaned him up and gave him a massage, and gave him some mylicon out of the diaper bag. It was the first time in those 1o hours that he seemed comforted and calmer and finally slept!
He was released from the hospital after about 48 hours. The resting of his digestive system with just IV fluids was enough to get things working properly again. It took another several weeks to get his feeding back on track. But he's eating, fruits, veggies, and cereal now and growing like crazy. Even at his worst, he was sure a cute boy! Just check out those chubby cheeks in his hospital bed.
Not one to be outdone, Ella had her first "war wound." She toppled out of a chair at Border's story time and managed to bust her chin open. She needed 3 stitches to keep the cut closed and she took it like a champ! She screamed when they pulled off the Band-aid I'd stuck on there to keep the blood off her clothes, but after it was all said and done, she was hugging the doctor and thanking him for "making it all better." Nothing like a "HELLO KITTY" Band-aid to make this girl's day!
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