It wasn't the best weekend, but we made the best of it and did enjoy our Easter at home.
Poor Ella started running a fever Saturday afternoon and it just keeps climbing! She's home from school today and will be again tomorrow. We're trying to keep it below 105 overnight, but it's been a challenge. Troy or I have to get up every 4-6 hours and get her something to eat and give her more medicine, or the fever just shoots up.
It's likely strep, since she has a very sore throat and her only other complaint is that occasionally, her tummy hurts. She's on antibiotic, so we're hoping for a quick recovery!
In the meantime, Gramma and Papa were in town for Easter weekend. We couldn't go anywhere with such an infected kid, but we did get out for an ice cream trip in the car, and the kids had their Easter egg hunt in back yard. All in all, it was a great holiday!
Ella was most excited by the Twinkle Toes shoes
Hope your Easter was joyous!
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