Friday, November 5, 2010

Thanks by the Letters: E


The wonderful NICU social worker who helped us navigate Social Security, Medicaid, and the crazy roller coaster ride that is the NICU stay. She was wonderful, supportive and affirming!


Another of our wonderful primary nurses on the overnight shift. Esther and I honestly, got off to a rough start. Her first night with Max was several weeks into his NICU stay. He was taking a downward turn that day and things on his respiratory just kept getting worse. I knew Max does the gradual creep and then dives off a cliff!!! But Esther had not experienced him before. She was very clinical, very thorough, and I was hysterical. But that didn't last for long.

By night number 2, Esther was an advocate for Max too. She knew he gave warning signs to alert us when something was going wrong. She worried about his comfort and wouldn't hesitate to ask the nurse practitioner or doctor to see him in the middle of the night. And, she'd call me. With any little change, because she knew it alleviated my concerns, to know that she'd keep me up to speed on everything.

Esther made sure Max had Tylenol when she had to give him immunizations. She found a cushion for his bed when she learned his ribs were cracked because she was concerned it might be painful for him to lay on the firm mattress. She convinced the doctors to let him be swaddled, because it was such a comfort to him. It's the little things like this that might seem trivial, but they made such a difference for Max. In all the chaos, she was trying to give him a little bit of rest and comfort and peace. I was so grateful to have Esther by Max's side!

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