He and Ella have been saying they're too big for our current swing set.. and they're probably right. But we couldn't afford a new one and so we said no.
Alex doesn't give up. He was sure he'd get Papa on his side on this one. The kid was relentless! Everyday this weekend, he'd ask "when are we gonna go see the swing Papa? I'm big now!" Finally, on Sunday morning, Papa gave in!
Troy called from the weekly Costco run to let me know Papa had bought the swing set and he'd need to come back later to haul the 6 boxes home.
It was a tight fit, but we got it all in the car and got it home. Unfortunately, this is a rainy week, and it's supposed to take 15+ hours to assemble this monster! We also need to get about 6 cubic feet of mulch spread out, get our utility lines marked so we can dig for the anchor posts, top that off with the fact that Troy is having surgery this Friday and won't be able to kneel for at least 2 weeks post surgery, and well, we're screwed.
I have 6 giant boxes holding a fabulous swing set stowed in my dining room. They won't fit down the basement stairs, we can't put them in the garage and fit 2 cars and they're predicting thunderstorms with hail, so ... there you go. No fine dining for the next month.. but the house does have wonderful cedar scent!
1 comment:
oh but the fun they will have lol. Good luck looks like lots of fun!
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