She was screaming with excitement and had the best time! I took Ella to see Selena Gomez. We gave her the ticket and a cd for her birthday last month, and went with her best friend, big sisters and their moms. (including Miss Kimmie)
It was truly and evening of little girls, mommies and mini vans! We sat in front of Ella's friend Riley from dance, we sat behind the school nurse, her daughter and a friend, we sat just a section away from more dance friends... Ella was a social butterfly talking to everyone she knew! (I wonder where she gets that?)
It was a great night, considering it was 102 degrees when we arrived and still in the 90's when Selena hit the stage after dark!
Ella sang and danced for hours and still didn't fall asleep in the car on her way home. It was great to see her have so much fun! (and she actually got up and had a great day at school the following morning, which was our main concern!)
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