It was great for me to see how he interacts in his classroom, plays with his buddies, and where he has trouble transitioning. Right now we're on the fence with kindergarten. I have registered him for another year of preschool and we are skipping kindergarten round-up... but there is still a slim chance that we'll decide he's ready. We're just watching to see how these next few months pan out for him. It was nice to see that some of the things I worry so much about... must be pretty typical, because I saw it in other kids too.
It was so much fun to see how he's made friends and how he plays with them and has this little life all his own. He's not my baby anymore, he's a big boy.
Some days, he's very independent. He wanted me to drop him at the curb, but we've settled for Mommy walking him inside for kisses, and then he walks to class on his own. (I hide by the office to make sure he's okay, and once in awhile I catch him looking back for me... It's amazing how this boy is changing right before my eyes!)
Most of all, it was great just to spend the time with him. Have him show me what he's learning and what he can do.... and lots of hugs and "I love you Mommy." Sometimes, I really miss those days when it was just Me and Alex at home together, snuggling, running errands, playing, etc... It ended abruptly when Max came so early and our time was cut short. This was another one of those days. Just me and my rock star...
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