Monday, April 28, 2008

Bye, Bye, Baby Boy

My boy is just a week away from turning one.
We've had a lot of milestones in the past few days, and it made mommy a little sad.

He's switched from formula to milk, switched from milk to sippee cups, switched from baby food to real food, you get the picture. He's already cruising all over this house holding onto things, and he can crawl faster than most cockroaches! Belive me, I used to work in fast-food and live in cheap apartments, those suckers can move like a flash when the light comes on! I nearly trip over him at least once a day.

It's amazing to watch how quickly he masters things. But it's also sad to think that just a year ago, I was anxiously awaiting his arrival and then soooooo enjoying this new little person in my life.

He's already turning into a pushy, brut, just to compete with his bossy, big sister. But he'll always be my baby boy. At least until Troy lets me have another one.

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