The good news is, he has a corner room with windows, it's bigger, and he LOVES the sunshine! It was great to see him watching the brightness for the first time!
Max had a rough "spell" last night, where he stopped breathing, and his heart rate slowed. He recovered pretty quickly, with no CPR or drugs. That's a plus, but still scary for us. His doctor is not too concerned, because it has not happened that frequently.
He was also VERY pale today. Not the dusky, gray color he gets when he's not getting enough oxygen, but white. I mentioned it to the doctor and she agreed and told me that she was already planning another blood transfusion. He got the blood over a 3 hour period this afternoon/ evening and he's already looking better.
We're waiting for his latest blood gas, which should come before midnight tonight.
We did have another hour of quality mommy snuggle time today, and he stretched himself out and pushed his head back so he could look at me. He just laid there... gazing at me and then snoozing. LOVED IT!
Hi Max! This is your nurse, Jenn. I found your blog from Stephanie Pankewich. You are looking good on CPAP, little man! You have the best parents in the world. They love you so much and they never leave your side. It is a joy to be your nurse, because you are so sweet.
Keep up the good work!
--jenn, rn
Jenn! We loved having you as Max's nurse! How do we get you back??? I just asked for primary nurses this week, because he's so touchy that I think it might help him to have a little stability. We had 9 nurses in 5 days (day and night shift) and he was just not himself.
Hope to see more of you in the NICU soon. Not because we love being there... but we love seeing your smiling face since we don't have the option to run and hide from this.
We'll be there for the long haul with our Mighty little Max!
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