We tried decongestant. (yes his doctor prescribed I didn't disobey the over the counter laws!) We tried allergy medication. The snot has stopped, but Alex still can't get air through his nose.
He snores at night, he speaks with a nasal accent ("Dho Mommy!"), and he could spend and hour and half eating the same meal it takes the rest of us 20 minutes to eat simply because he has to chew and breathe with his mouth. He refuses to eat foods that take too long to chew such as meat and vegetables, he's a huge fan of all things mushy and involving bread!
So today, when we all went to get our shots for Max to come home and for the kids' well-child exams Alex was only in the 19th percentile for weight! He's always been tall and thin, but this is getting ridiculous. So the doctor took a look and he is referring us to the ear, nose and throat specialist. He assumes Alex may need an "adenoid-ectomy." He says the adenoids appear to be blocking his airway through the nose enough that he's a mouth-breather.
Poor little guy! He's already had such a rough summer with Mommy back and forth to the hospital. He isn't potty trained and he has no interest. Now, we're talking possible surgery. But I hope we can find a solution of some kind, to help him breathe a little easier, eat a little more, and speak where someone other than just mommy can understand him.
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