He's learned to smile and he's doing in quite a lot. He'll grin at ALL of us, especially Alex. For some reason, big brother makes him happy!?

Another first, Ella started kindergarten Wednesday morning. She was hard pressed to leave baby brother that day. He'd just come home and all she wanted to do was hold him. But her teacher had seen the front page story in the Kansas City Star about baby Max and made her feel very special by telling the class that Ella had a new brother at home.
She had a friend before she started kindergarten. She met "Kimberly" and her Daddy at the neighborhood pool last week while Miss Sarah was baby sitting. It helped to see a familiar face that first morning. By the end of the 1/2 day, she

Today, day #3 at school, was also Ella's fifth birthday. When we went to bed last night, Ella and I talked about the sprinkle cookies she was bringing today as treats for her class. She informed me she wanted to be dropped off at the curb in front of school in the drop off line. "I'm a big kid in kindergarten now Mom. I can walk to my class all by myself." I convinced her to let me come in again today, just to help carry the birthday cookie treats, but she walked ahead, showing me how to get to her classroom and how she'd go in and put her things away all on her own. We may try it next week when Troy starts taking her to school in the mornings.

She told me last night "Mom, I wish I didn't have to go to college. I'm really going to miss you!" I guess she's looking ahead to the future already. Seems like there first 5 years have flown by, I can only imagine that sending her off to college will happen in the blink of an eye, and I don't like it. My baby is growing up!
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