Wow! what a year it's been!
This photo is from February 2010. It was "Mommy Day" at Ella's preschool and we had a blast! I was just 4 months pregnant and didn't need maternity clothes yet. I was getting over morning sickness, although I still had to bring lemon water with me.
The kids had found out at Christmas that a baby was on the way, and we were close to learning the baby's sex. I was on top of the world!

I had no idea that 2 months later, that new baby would be here. That I'd almost NEVER set foot inside Ella's school, but thanks to her wonderful teachers, friends and their families, she continued school, and thrived during the most difficult time for our family.
Look how I don't have the big bags under my eyes! I feel like I aged 100 years in these past 12 months. I know Troy and I both look and feel older. But Max is a great sleeper now, and we're trying to recoup some of that lost time.
It's been a an amazing year of struggle, survival and love for us. We made it through stronger than we every thought possible, and blessed. God gave us a third, wonderful, happy baby who brings such joy to our lives everyday. It's been a crazy year, but worth every minute!
This year taught me that the struggles in our life are all for a reason. I left TV for a reason, I worked at PKD and met Morgan for a reason, I was laid off from my full-time job at PKD for a reason, I was diagnosed with a brain tumor (our biggest health scare to that point) for a reason, etc... it's amazing how much God prepared us for what was coming with Max.
Looking back... anything before this past year was kind of a blur... but it's so great to see where we were and how we're starting to circle back to some sort of normal in our lives again.
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