I left off with day 11: another picture of you and your friends

I love this one from the Springfield Brewing Company, circa 2005. It was just a few months after Ella was born and my first trip home for Thanksgiving. We met up with three of my friends since childhood, Kristi, Kelly and Kris.. and their kiddos. Kristi is actually pregnant with Andrew in these pics!

And this is a love, hate picture. I love that it's a pic of Tara and I together while we were pregnant with Alex and Delaney. They were born just 6 days apart. I hate it, because seriously, could we be more enormous and uncomfortable? I loved sharing this pregnancy with a friend, especially those REALLY uncomfortable moments when I felt like a bowling ball was falling out of me!
day 12: how you found out about blogger and why you have one
Honestly, I don't remember. I think I found out from some of my girlfriends at work... when I used to work in an office 40 hours a week. I've always been a writer and writing is a great way for me to think out loud and just release things, so I love it!
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