Friday, January 12, 2007

It's a boy!!!

It's been awhile since I've had time to post. With the holidays, my family in town, an unexpected trip to Florida for a funeral, etc... we're just now getting back into the swing of things.

We saw the specialist a week before Christmas and had our level 2 ultrasound. We decided to keep the news a secret and let the grandparents know on Christmas Day. Now I think just about everyone is aware that baby Robinson #2 appears to be a boy!

I had to ask the doctor to say it twice for Troy. He was so sure this would be another girl. I had a feeling this pregnancy was completely different, but you never know. Now Troy's greatest fear is that we'll have to buy everything again!

The most important news is that everything so far appears to be quite normal and healthy with this baby. That's all we could ask for. He appears to be growing and developing right on schedule. No signs of any of the problems that go along with pregnancy for "older women." (yes that's me, over the magic age of 35!!!) We're very lucky.

I'm still adjusting to the idea of having a son. The girl thing was pretty simple. I'm a girl. So, I know how they act, what the want, how to fix hair and dress them. Girls are drama queens. Once you get past that... you're fine. Boys are a completely different species for me. I'm still trying to figure out Troy! I'm so afraid that I'll snuggle this baby too much. What if I turn him into a Mama's boy? Troy will never forgive me! I've told Troy he's in charge of this one... I'll just handle the clothes and haircuts.

Seriously... we're both very excited and Ella is starting to get more used to the idea of another baby in the house. If you ask her where baby brother is, she'll point to her tummy and say "Mama." She knows he's in there. Sometimes she'll pull up my shirt and tug at my waistband so she can pat "him." I tell her he's growing big and strong so he can come out and play with her soon.

Hopefully she'll be ready to "play nice" by the time he gets here!

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