Tuesday, July 1, 2008

39 and holding

I flew to Dallas a couple of weekends ago for a conference through my employer. I could have flown home the same day, but my best friend's birthday was Friday, and I wanted to stick around to help celebrate. We had such a great time and it reminded me of why we've remained friends for so long.

We talked our husbands, our kids, our health, our fears and hopes, we talked about finding time alone to refresh and renew and remain the women we've become. We talked about what would happen if one of us wasn't around anymore and we talked about how we love and rely on one another. It was a great couple of days to re-connect and just have fun with my friend.

It's funny how we talked about death. Not just because of my tumor, but because we've grown up and and we're growing older. It's a part of our lives now. Mortality is still scary at any age!

Most importantly, we shopped, we ate, we drank adult beverages, and we had so much fun! I hope our next 39 years will be full of birthday celebrations together. Maybe we can do the Oprah show for our 40th? or 50th or 60th? If we make it to 70, I say, let's hit Paris again. Our kids should be grown by then!

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