It's just an hour until Father's Day, and all of our little people are asleep, so this is a chance for me to talk about that most special man of mine.
Troy is really the unsung hero around here, especially during these late 9 weeks. He has long been the rock this family was built on, but I truly could not have survived without him in these days and weeks since my water broke and Max was born.

So much has changed. Everything was turned upside down, yet Troy has stayed steady and strong and positive, for all of us. It's one of the things I love best about him. He never lets me down. He's always there when I need him, always picking me up when I feel like I can't take another step.
I remember seeing Max for the second time, just a day after he was born. (I can barely remember the first since they wheeled me up in my hospital bed, still drugged on the morphine from surgery) We reached to door to Max's room and the nurse asked us to wait outside. She hit the red panic button and at least 25

doctors and nurses came rushing in to help resuscitate Max. I was sobbing so hard, sitting in that wheelchair, unable to move or help Max in any way, and the only thing I can remember is Troy grabbing my shoulders, pulling me back from the door and telling me it would all be okay. So much of what has happened is a blur.. but through it all, I've had Troy by my side. I wouldn't still be standing if he weren't.
What we've endured, shared and accomplished as a couple and a family, just amazes me. The night I was admitted to the hospital, we met with a NICU doctor, who went over everything that could happen, what we might expect, and what our chances were. Troy said "It's moments like this that either make our marriage stronger, or break it apart. We have to be on the same page and we'll get through this." It's moments like that when I realize not just why I married him, but why I couldn't live without him.

- He stayed home for 2 weeks, driving me back and forth to the NICU until my doctor would let me drive myself.
- He's gone back to work, always with Max on his mind.
- He calls and texts for updates, stops by at lunch when he can.
- He comes home and jumps into help with the kids so we can try to keep their dinner and bedtimes as normal as possible.
- He makes late night trips to the NICU so he can see Max
- He takes more than his share of time at home with Ella and Alex on the weekends, so I can spend as much time with Max as possible.
I could go on and on about what he's done to make life as worry-free as possible since April. But that doesn't even include the stuff he's always done for Ella, Alex and me...

He cooks, cleans, changes diapers, dispenses medicine and band-aids, feeds dogs, shuttles, shops, runs errands, and just about anything else that comes up. He's a hands-on daddy and he's doing it all on much less sleep these days.
He's a wonderful husband who remembers to pick up my favorite cereal, learned how to make a chai latte so he could make it for me in the morning, and endures the "the Real Housewives..." episodes which fill our DVR. (even though he ridicules my viewing choices)
I am more than grateful that Troy is my husband and the father of our 3 children. I am blessed to have him in my life. I couldn't have chosen a better man to lead our family.