Monday, June 7, 2010

Turning things around...

Sorry I couldn't post yesterday! Something was wrong with

Max is turning things around. He gained more than a pound in just a day, which was all fluid that his body couldn't flush through, that was Saturday night, now he's peeing buckets, and should be back to his actual weight soon.

His blood pressure was extremely low, but now that's back up to a normal range.

His pH levels in the blood were too low and now those have stabilized.

His stoma (intestine drain outside his tummy) is starting to drain little bits of POOP!!!! WOOHOO!!! The surgeon stopped by and was pleased with how the incision and stoma are looking. Once Max stops having green bile coming back up from his tummy, they'll be able to start trying small bits of Pedialyte through his feeding tube again.

All good things. Most importantly, his eyes are un-puffy enough to be open again! He's being weaned off the morphine, so he was awake and alert for most of the day. He watched me, smiled at me, grabbed my fingers and let me rub his little head for as long as I could. I was even able to lift and hold him in my arms for a few minutes, while Charlotte changed out his bed!!!

One concern we're still watching is the NEC. (necrotizing entercolitis) The surgeon says as well as Max's surgery went, he can't rule out that part of Max's bowels which were stuck together and the site of his perforation may be NEC. Because of that, he'll be VERY cautious and slow with the feedings. Any overload, could cause another perforation for Max and we'd be back at square one.

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