His favorite nurse picked it out for him, and since we're trying to keep his body temperature up, I put it on for his diaper change, etc... to keep him warm while we stripped him.
The screams were hilarious. You'd think he was being tortured... I think they may have heard him in the next room, or maybe it was me laughing at his drama.
He must be his Daddy's boy. This hat is WAAAY too girlie for Troy's taste. But I think it's cute on the little man!
Hi }ennifer,
I'm a dear friend of Krista Klaus, and I hope you don't mind her sharing your blog. I also had an unexpected preemie, a baby girl born @ 28 weeks. That was 12 weeks ago, and it looks like we're finally going home tomorrow. (My due date, coincidentally! Or should I say miraculously!) I just wanted you to know there's a light at the end of the tunnel. Your baby Max is adorable! I wish you the best. Your blog is so beautifully written & compelling... you should really consider turning it into a book someday. At the very least, it's a tremendous gift for Max & your other children. Sounds like you have a very strong family & an incredibly positive but realistic outlook. I'm so impressed by the way you're handling this experience & I really think your blog could help other families. God bless you & your family!
Sincerely, Franci Feirstein
Hi }ennifer,
I'm a dear friend of Krista Klaus, and I hope you don't mind her sharing your blog. I also had an unexpected preemie, a baby girl born @ 28 weeks. That was 12 weeks ago, and it looks like we're finally going home tomorrow. (My due date, coincidentally! Or should I say miraculously!) I just wanted you to know there's a light at the end of the tunnel. Your baby Max is adorable! I wish you the best. Your blog is so beautifully written & compelling... you should really consider turning it into a book someday. At the very least, it's a tremendous gift for Max & your other children. Sounds like you have a very strong family & an incredibly positive but realistic outlook. I'm so impressed by the way you're handling this experience & I really think your blog could help other families. God bless you & your family!
Sincerely, Franci Feirstein
Thank you so much Franci! Krista is wonderful and I know how lucky you are to have her as a friend!
We are blessed by the many friends, and family who have rallied to support us during this difficult time.
I am so happy to hear that you are heading home soon! Do you mind my asking if you're in a KC hospital or elsewhere? Best of luck to you and your little girl!
I do hope to write a book someday. Maybe Max helped me find my copy....hmmmmm????
Please keep in touch through the blog or through Facebook. Krista can put us in touch if you'd like.
Jennifer Robinson
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