Wednesday, March 21, 2007

the Boy... in 3D

He's already stubborn and uncooperative and he's not even here yet! Baby boy Robinson must be taking lessons from his big sister.

We went for a 3D ultrasound today and he started face down, buried into my back. That explains why my back is killing me most of the time. He hasn't done the flip to put his head down toward the ground yet... but I'm having another c-section anyway, so that's not a huge deal.

Troy poked at my stomach, I rolled onto my side, the technician even clanged the cow bell against my belly. My child was constantly in motion. Those hands and legs were all over the place!! But it took more than 30 minutes to get him to peek his face out so we could get a glimpse.

It's hard to tell much. Especially with the shadows, etc... but so far, he seems to look a lot like Ella. We're only a couple of months away.. then we'll know for sure.

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