Tuesday, February 12, 2008

"Stuck in her butt" no more

More potty talk, so if you're not up for that just skip to the next post. For those of you following along, you're aware that we've given up potty training. COMPLETELY for now. We're all taking a break. But just when we give up, she doesn't.

Tonight at bedtime Ella asked to go potty. At first, I thought this was just the "I don't want to go to sleep" ploy. But I tried the usual offers of a drink of water or another story, and she still wanted to potty. She insisted she had a stomach ache so I figured we'd give it a whirl.

We got there and VOILA! Pee! on the potty, not in the diaper. Then she called for Daddy and had to tell him "I need to make poopy nuggets, and they're stuck in my butt!" (Troy had to leave the room, he cracked up and nearly peed in his pants.) Then she needed "puffacy." (that's privacy in Ellanese)

We left her alone. (waiting outside the door) until she came running out to announce to poop. Yes we had to look and she did it! YEEEAAAH! Big celebration, special treats (mini-marshmallows) the whole deal and bedtime with a clean, dry diaper.

So what gives? Is she ready or not? Do we wait for her to ask again or try to wear big girl panties? This just gets more confusing every day. Oh well. At least that was one diaper I didn't have to change.

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