Saturday, September 10, 2011

Alex back to school (and the sequel)

Okay, so things have been a little crazy around here... but Alex went back to preschool this week! He was so excited to start pre-K. Last year, he just wasn't ready in the fall, so we waited until he was potty trained and sent him to the red room, with the other 3 year olds in February. He LOVED it and this year, he couldn't wait to get back to his buddies!

A good luck hug from my sister

He's in school 3 days, Tuesday and Thursday, he's in the yellow room pre-K. Wednesdays, he's in the Rainbow Room, which is one of Ella's old classroom for his Explorer group. He already loves his teachers for both classes and is excited to have a few of his buddies from last year, as well as lots of new friends in his class.
Rainbow Explorer teachers Mrs. McCluskey and Mrs. Lud

Yellow Room teachers Mrs. Protzman and Mrs. Haughey

Really the only glitch we've had is my Mommy fail. We showed up Tuesday morning, ready to go! Daddy took the day off, Grammy was in town from Florida, so she joined us, we all packed up and headed for school. We took pictures outside, and went in to see the teachers... but something was horribly wrong. No one was there. Wrong day. School started Wednesday. So we came back the next day and did it all again, minus a few of the photos. Alex was un-phased. He still loved it and well, let's just call it a dry run!

FINALLY!!! In class with my buddies!

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