Sunday, September 11, 2011

Ten years ago...

So many people are reminiscing today, about where they were ten years ago. I remember. We all do, but I don't talk about it often. It was one of the hardest days I'd ever experienced. It was a day of fear and adrenaline and exhaustion by the time it was all done. I remember talking immediately to the people I loved, my mom was at home sleeping, my Dad couldn't be reached right away since he was on a private jet to Dallas, and my Nana. I was still working in a TV newsroom, and that made it crazy. From the moment I saw that second plane hit the tower, everything shifted into overdrive and my life was changed.

I like to look at how much has changed in my life since then... and for the better. I'm no longer working a full-time, as a newsroom manager in a crazy, competitive, stressful environment. Instead, I'm able to freelance, work from home, and work my schedule around my family.

Ten years ago, I wasn't married, I hadn't even met Troy yet. I didn't have any of our 3 beautiful children. I didn't know I had a brain tumor (although it was probably already there) and I hadn't survived Max's horrific early birth, his 4 month hospital stay and his several near-death experiences. I was a completely different person.

I think 9-11 changed a lot of people, some in big ways, some in smaller ones. For me, it started a slow, gradual change in my whole life and it's a change that I'm so thankful for. I am where I always wanted to be, doing exactly what I've dreamed of doing, and living my life as if every day is my last. I am grateful for every moment of every day with my family. I can't wait to see where we are in another 10 years!

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