Friday, January 25, 2008

Make room for Baby (time for a refresher course)

This should be a big weekend for our boy. Alex is too tall for his baby carrier, so he's getting moved into a convertible car seat, he's starting to pull up on things, so we're dropping his crib mattress down from the newborn position, and since he's really trying hard to crawl, it's time to get down on all fours again and search for the stuff you never realized could be potential food.

We have two, big dogs, so he's gonna find fur on the floor and taste it. He'll probably find a dog food crumb or two as well. His sister drops craisins and cereal and everything else all over the place, so regardless of how many times Callie cleans and vacuums, there will be food remnants to pick up and taste.

There are cords to move and outlets to cover, and shelves to clear. Just as we've gotten Ella to the stage where she'll actually listen, and leave a few things alone, along comes Alex. We'll see what survives this round.

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