Friday, April 23, 2010

One week old

Max is one week old today. He celebrated with a nice, peaceful day and we couldn't be happier! His eyes were fused shut when he was born, now they've both finally opened.

Since he is one week old, he had his brain scan today and they did confirm a small brain bleed. It's only a level one, which is the smallest and doesn't seem to be a problem so far.

They also gave him the tiniest little pacifier and he actually sucks on it and soothes himself, even with the ventilator in his mouth! I hope to get a picture of him with it soon.

Ella and Alex made him happy birthday cards last night, and we hung them in his room today.

Aunt Kristi arrived from TX today and she's already been such a help! Playing with the kids and shuttling back and forth to the hospital with me twice today. Max opened his eyes to take a look at her, so I'm sure he's glad to meet his aunt!

We're so grateful for every day. We can only hope tomorrow will be another of peace, love, growth and health for our itty bitty man.

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