Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Highly Contagious!!!

Not the words you like to hear when you have a immuno-suppressed baby in the house! But when I took Ella to the doctor today, it wasn't good.

She's had a cough for almost 2 weeks. I took her to urgent care over the holiday weekend and they check her lungs, ears, etc... and told me it was a cold or allergies and we'd have to wait it out. So we've been waiting. No fever, she's felt okay, gone to school, etc...

Then last night, she complained at dinner that her ear was hurting. And by midnight, she had a fever or 103. That cough has turned into a horrible, wet mess, and the doctor says it's a nasty bacterial bug called Mycroplasma. It's bad enough that it's close to walking pneumonia and both of hear ears are infected to the point her ear drums are likely to burst. Almost overnight this changed...

So I'm coughing and Troy's coughing and Alex is coughing. We ALL have antibiotics and Ella and I both has shots as well to day to kick start our recovery. Then there is Max. So far, our little fighter is the healthy one of the family. He's eating, sleeping, pooping and showing no signs of having contracted this. But it's difficult to keep him from the germs with all the coughing. I was worried about how we could keep this up. He needs snuggling and feeding and evening bathing and changing multiple times may not be enough. We're NAZIS around here with the hand washing and anti-bacterial gel.

So I talked to the pediatrician and they are are concerned about this bacteria. It's VERY contagious and they don't want to wait for him to get it. Because his body might not be able to handle it. So tomorrow, we're going to get a good weight, and they'll put him on an preventative antibiotic as well. Hoping to keep him safe.

Alex is still on for his tonsil and adenoid surgery in just 2 days. I talked to the surgeon and they are having him start his post-op antibiotics early, plus he'll get IV antibiotics during surgery. As long as he doesn't have any fever, they'll go ahead with his surgery as planned.

In the meantime, we continue to try to disinfect this place! We just had a sick Papa here over the weekend and after 8 loads of laundry, I thought we were caught up... so much for that idea!

1 comment:

Mommy P said...

That's it Jen, no one with so much as a sniffle is allowed within 50 feet of your family!

I hope you all get over it quickly and that Max avoids it completely.