Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Alex started preschool this spring. It' s a wonderful Christian preschool, the same place where Ella went for two years. We are so blessed to have them helping to teach our children, not only their ABC's, but the values and beliefs which Troy and I both grew up with. I'm just hoping Alex doesn't get us booted outta there!!!

Yesterday, in art class, they drew self portraits. Alex did a great job making a face, head, teeth, eyes, even a big circle, which he told me was his forehead. Conformist that I am, I failed to look at the back of his paper.

Troy asked him about the drawing on the back, and he said it was his legs. Okay, long lines with some sort of an appendage at the bottom, I see it. But why were there three I asked? Not a leg. He's drawn his pee pee!!! I can only imagine what those wonderful teachers are thinking of him... and us!

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