Monday, July 12, 2010

Pumping him up

Max is getting blood transfusion #10 today and could get another before the end of the week. His hematocrit dropped from 31 to 25 and he needs that good oxygenation before surgery. It looks like they're trying to bump him up for that. Makes me think they may want to do this surgery as early as next week.

He was also started on medication today to help lower his direct bilirubin. This is a liver function issue that results from him having been on IV nutrition for so long. One of the side effects, but oh so worth the fact that the baby Gatorade kept him alive for all those weeks until he could tolerate food in his belly.

He's doing well, but dropping his oxygen and heart rate quite a bit today... likely because his red blood cell count is so low and he just doesn't have the oxygen reserves.

He does have to get another IV for the blood. His broviac, long term IV can't be used for blood, unless it's an emergency. So Mommy is taking a break, while they stick him and in the next hour or so they'll start the transfusion.

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