Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Gamma Conference, Hold the Mayo

Okay, catch my breath before I start this. Lots of changes today.

We found out that although the doctors and clinics we wanted to visit at Mayo show up on my insurance database and are listed as part of the network, they're actually not. They're outside the magical 32 county area, and my HMO won't cover anything outside of that invisible geographic zone.

Okay now what are our options? There is 1 gamma knife in the KC area. The doctors who perform the "surgeries" meet every Monday for a Gamma Knife Conference to discuss cases which have presented in the prior week and which candidates are best for the Gamma Knife. This is like trying to get accepted to college. We try to impress them, and then if they accept us, we pay them more than our mortgage! They want to know where the tumors are? how big? what is my general health? do I prefer this method? Why? What date was the Magna Carta signed? (Kidding, but I think it was 1215, how sad is that, chalk it up to fearing for my life in L. Brown's class! This is something that only my high school chums can relate to. I've not lost my mind just yet.)

So they're taking up my case next Monday and I have an appointment with one of the Gamma Knife surgeons the following week.

For those of you keeping score at home:
- neurologist visits (2)
- neurosurgeon visits (1) and (1 scheduled)
- answers (0)

We're certainly trying out all the options. At least we'll have lots of information by the time we make one of the biggest decisions of our lives!

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