Monday, March 10, 2008

Quick update and the case of the lost lipgloss

Ella is doing better. Troy took her to Costco last week and they came with the super deluxe Disney Princess Creativity Kit. For $19.99 we convinced her she is a big girl, she gets to do big girl things, and this requires big girl behavior at bedtime. We're still having to stick to a tight schedule, and it takes 30 minutes to an hour to get her down, but no more screaming for hours on end. That's a plus in my book.

My last test was Friday. TEE (Trans-esophogial Echo cardiogram???) It was fine. All normal, nothing out of the ordinary, heart looks good. GREAT! Now we know my cholesterol, blood pressure, heart, arteries, etc... are all normal. But did I have a stroke or not? and can I take some hormones to help with the ovarian cysts?

For that answer, we'll pay another $50 tomorrow to see neurologist #2. We've decided to get a second opinion. Since neurologist #1 and my wonderful OB (seriously I love this guy, even thought he's missed the births of both of my babies) differ on the hormone question. We also hope neurologist #2 may be able to help with the intense headaches, since this is the reason we went to neurologist #1 to begin with!!!

On a frustrating and sad note that only girls can appreciate. Troy lost my lip gloss! I brought my purse to the hospital for the scan Friday and instead of taking it to the car. (which he insisted he would do when I offered to bring a tote bag instead) he shoved it under my gurney. You got it, the lip gloss fell out.

Normally, who cares, but this is a new tube of lip gloss that I bought at the Spa at Big Cedar on our special weekend away and I love it! I has capzacin (red pepper flakes) in it, so it plumps up your lips and it's great! I rarely find lip products that I like, and I'd had this for less than a week! (Not to mention the fact that I paid $20 bucks for it! You'd think Mr. Cheap would be crawling around that hospital looking for it!)

"For the record" Troy insists this isn't his fault. But since I was sedated and legally unable to do anything important, I'll totally blame this on him. Hell hath no fury like a hormonal brain tumor patient with headaches and mommy fatigue who then looses her new, favorite lip gloss!!!

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