Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Stairmaster

This is my new nickname for Alex. This kid will not quit! We've never mounted a gate at the bottom of the stairs, we just slid an old one between two of the balustrades for Ella and that was enough to keep her out. Not the boy.

He insists on sliding that thing open at least 20 times a day and making a break for it. I can't even count how many times I chased him up those steps yesterday!!!

Ella has been assigned as the prison guard. If I'm in the kitchen or bathroom or doing laundry, she's the lookout. "Uh OH! Mommy, he's on the stairs! He's on the stairs again! Mommy, he's opening the gate!"

I think I've basically set her up for a lifetime of tattling, but I don't have the eyes in the back of my head thing perfected just yet.
I'm just remembering when he wasn't mobile.... aaaaah those were the days. But he is really cute now that he's running and climbing all the time! (this is not a picture of stairs I realize, he's too quick for that, but it's a cute picture of a guilty looking boy, who's about to climb onto my coat rack, again!)

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