Friday, December 15, 2006

Surprise, Reprieve and now I owe them!

I promised I'd write an update today so Troy doesn't feel like the Grinch who stole my Christmas.

It was just after 4pm yesterday, when two smiling faces peeked in my office door. My two favorite people, Ella and Troy of course, made it for the holiday open house after all!! Troy expected me to cry... but I'd cried so much from the thought of having to attend the party alone, that I was just so relieved and excited to have them there!!

Laura had dressed Ella in her Santa shirt and put a sweet, pink bow in her hair. No one even cared that Troy and I were there after seeing our cute girl. She's always a hit and why shouldn't she be? We selfishly think she was the sweetest girl at the party. She was well-behaved. She ate, drank, played and we all had a great time.

I'm so lucky to have my little family!!!

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