Wednesday, May 5, 2010

As close as I can get... for now

Lifting Max into his new bed,

or lifting him up while the nurses change his bed,
is the closest I've come to holding him.

It's not the same as snuggling him up on my chest or loving all over him... but I was able to kiss the top of his little head,

and I'll take what I can get for now.

1 comment:

thekeps said...

HI! I got your blog from Wendy Dunn. I am a mom of a 25 weeker, 1 pound 11 ounce baby. Jackson spent 84 days in the NICU in North Carolina before being relased to travel here to AZ. Since birth Jackson has had 4 brain surgeries most recently in March of 2010. We know your pain and heartache. Please know your in our thoughts! Here is my blog(I dont keep up with it much) to see Jackson's Blessings to you! Kacy