Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Midnight Repreive

Finally I'm home from the hospital. I went back up after Max's 8pm blood gas was another not so good report. They gave him the Lasix to help shed some of the fluid he's retaining after his blood transfusion this afternoon. (#6) He's up to 3 lbs 12 ozs... which is a HUGE gain and most of it is just fluid around his face, neck and torso. He'll get Lasix over the next several days to help with that.

They did another blood gas at midnight and FINALLY, for the first in the last 24 hours, it's improved! That's fantastic news, and good enough for Mommy to get a little sleep while Max is doing the same.

I told the NP tonight I felt like I was watching Max die an unable to do anything to help him or to stop it. She assures me we are NOT at the end of the rope and have a lot more choices. That eased my concerns, but just a little bit.

Good night,

1 comment:

Mommy P said...

Jen, that is such a hard thing to admit to and I'm SO glad to hear that nurse was able to ease your fears some.

I'm glad his blood gas was better! Keep the faith - Max is a FIGHTER and an absurdly adorable baby to boot!