Thursday, May 20, 2010

Updates for the non-Facebookers

I can't do this from my cell phone, well maybe I can, but it's easier to do it from the parents' room computer in the NICU.

I'm going to try to update the blog more regularly each day, so those of you who aren't on Facebook can keep up with Mr. Max. These Facebook updates will be short and sweet, but they'll keep you up to speed on the basics.

Here's the latest:

A little better day than yesterday for Max. Still yucky stuff coming out of his tummy, but xray looks better. We spent 3 hours snuggling and napping this morning. They've swaddled him for the first time, and turned off the "oven" in his isolette. He's starting to control his own body temp! Now we just hope the bowel heals and he won't need surgery.

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