Monday, May 24, 2010

Vicious Circle

Max is getting his 6th blood transfusion tonight, followed by Lasix to chase away some of the puffiness. He's been puffy and tired all day long, really, all weekend.

Troy and I meet with the surgeon tomorrow evening regarding Max's bowel perforation or obstruction, or whatever it is keeping him to eat. We have lots of questions and we're hoping to finally get some answers about what's next for out tiny little man. I've also spoken to Children's Mercy Hospital about having another surgeon consult on the case. I want to make sure we're doing everything we can for him right now, which is not much. It's the worst feeling, watching him, feeling helpless, because there is so little we can do.

His lung disease is getting worse, they tell us, which is because he's growing bigger, but he needs to grow more healthy lung tissue to help feed oxygen to his body. To grow, he needs to eat, to eat, he needs his bowels to work, for his bowels to work, they need oxygen to grow... it's a VICIOUS CIRCLE!

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