Monday, November 15, 2010

Thanks by the Letters: O

Overland Park Regional:

I'm thankful that when I asked about my options, Dr. Arroyo told me to deliver here. It was because of the NICU, and at that time, we didn't even need it. But we would...

I am thankful that Max was born in a hospital where I would spend my first 3 days after surgery and he could be so close, just up one floor in the NICU. I'm thankful that this hospital was just 15 minutes from our home, so we could visit him everyday... and many nights too.

I hated this place on many days... but not because of what was happening, or how Max was treated, or his level of care... just because it wasn't home and I wanted Max here. OPR NICU saved Max and got him home to us. That's a debt we can never repay.


I hated this noisy, huge, ventilator. When Max went on it, it delayed my chance to hold him for the first time, I was so bulky I could barely fit in the room next to him, and it was loud, so he had an ear muff to protect his hearing... but it saved him, and helped his lungs, while he was waiting for his PDA surgery, it kept Max alive.


Glad we didn't have to come home with it... but glad Max had it for all those weeks, when he couldn't breathe on his own.

Ostomy bags:

They stink, they are messy, they are painful, they are bulky, they are ugly, they don't fit right on a 4 pound baby, no one knows how to do them right, I spent DAYS learning all the tricks and it took 30-45 minutes to get it done right.. but I changed those bags and changed some more, and I would have changed them at home if we needed... because they allowed Max to poop outside his body. When that bag will filling, it meant his bowels were working and that meant he was closer to survival. I hate ostomy bags. I hope I NEVER NEVER EVER have to change one again... but I'll take them any day over the alternative... which was losing Max.

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