Saturday, November 20, 2010

Thanks by the Letters: T


This was Max's IV nutrition.. or "baby Gatorade." It fed and nourished him for more than 3 months when his bowels were too damaged to digest anything else. It had plenty of side effects, making his bones so brittle he had broken ribs, etc... but it kept him alive until he could eat!


I was so glad to have my cell phone in the NICU. You can't call out from inside the unit, but you can text and view emails and that was a great way to communicate with Troy, with friend who were caring for Ella and Alex, basically, it was my only contact with the outside world while I was trapped inside those 4 walls. I'd text Jamie in the wee hours and she'd be up there with chai to sit with me and Max through any crisis. I'd text Kimmie in a crisis and she'd talk me through it, telling me what a fighter he was, and that we'd be okay. What did I ever do before texting??? That telephone was my life line!!!

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