Friday, February 18, 2011

Blogging challenge day 2

Day 2: explain the meaning behind your blog name

I think it actually came from a "Funky Mama" song... but I think that song may be called Mama Trauma. Anyway, when Ella would sing along in the car, she always said the ma-mama drama... and it stuck.

I am a Momma. My life is filled with daily drama. What else can I say???

Oh and if you are a mom and don't know about Funky Mama Music (aka Krista Tatschl, former channel 9'er) check her out at

The Cd's are fun for the kids, not annoying for mom, and she does LOTS of free concerts around the metro... as well as private parties. This message brought to you by me... because she's wonderful, sang at my wedding, etc...

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