Saturday, February 26, 2011

Blogging challenge day 9

day 9: something you're proud of in the past few days

Survival??? Seriously, with 3 kids, who wouldn't be proud of that!?

But honestly I'm proud of a couple of things.

1.) I'm proud that Alex is basically potty trained. It took all of us, working hard and working together and we've just mastered it in these last 2 weeks. It was a struggle, for him and for us, and so many people kept pushing and asking why has wasn't potty trained yet but we knew that he just wasn't ready.

This was his timing, not ours. He had given up control of so much this past year and he would NOT give up control of this. We talked to 2 different doctors, and lots of other parents and they all said the same thing... "You can't make him do it. Just wait, when he's ready, it will happen"... and you ,now what, it did!

Alex is happy and proud of himself, and we didn't waste weeks pushing him to do something that he wasn't ready for. I'm proud of him too. He is still trying to forgive his baby brother for taking his mommy away.. and that may take sometime. But he loves him. He's accepting him... and he's growing up. We are all proud of that.

2.) I'm also proud that Max cut his two teeth. Not that I had anything to do with it, except feeding him all that super formula to help strengthen his bones and help me get stronger.

Just 6 months ago, he had fragile, brittle bones, 3 cracked ribs, and wasn't even on the chart for his height because his bones were suffering from all those months of only IV nutrition. This week, he's in the 8th percentile for height. That's HUGE for a preemie. Not only are his bones stronger, his teeth are growing, which the doctors warned us might not happen until well after he turned a year old... and he's only 10 months. I'm proud of him everyday... of how he thrives, what he's endured, and how he's just such a little miracle.

3.) and I can't forget Ella. I'm so proud that she learned to write her last name this week! Why couldn't we have a short name like Smith or Jones... ROBINSON is a lot of letters to remember and she's finally learned to do it with out looking at her name card! Ella Grace Robinson, that's my girl!

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