Tuesday, February 15, 2011

FIrst day of school

It's been a long time coming.. we wanted Alex to start in the 3 year olds class last fall, but because of our crazy year, he just wasn't ready.

This week... he was. He's doing really well with the potty training. He had his tonsil and adenoid surgery. He's gotten over the baby brother set backs... and he was so excited!!!

He woke us up at 6a.m. with questions about his teachers, his buddies, and having his first play

It was a great day for him and he made it with dry pants!! He's there 2 days a week from 9-2. Hoping next year he'll be ready for the pre-K class! Can you believe it!!?!?!?!

Thanks so much to our wonderful family at Colonial for being so patient and kind and for making Alex's first day of preschool special... even if it didn't come until the middle of the school year!

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